Creating a Coming Soon Page Landing Page with Namecheap Website Builder

[ad_1] it’s erica the design even my purpose is to make you pop on paper and shine online welcome to this lesson where i will be sharing you how to create a coming soon page and we are going to be using the website builder that comes with a hosting package when you purchase it…

How to Move / Transfer Domain FROM GoDaddy to Another Host (Namecheap)

[ad_1] hello internet people in this video I’ll show you how you can move a domain from GoDaddy to another host like Namecheap after this video your domain will be fully transferred to another host and you don’t need to renew your domain I’d go dead anymore Arnie what do you say to GoDaddy after…

Unlimited Emails – How to Create a Catchall with Namecheap

[ad_1] what’s up guys in this video I’m gonna show you exactly how to set up a catch-all domain for about a dollar that will automatically forward all emails to your actual email address what this does is it’ll allow you to create an unlimited amount of email addresses so if you look in cyber…

How to Setup Your Private Email (2 Months FREE Using Namecheap)

[ad_1] what’s up hey guys it’s yvonne and in the last videos we set up some auto responders and we talked about get response and i mentioned numerous times the importance of setting up your own private email because otherwise if you have a free meal like yahoo or gmail your your auto responders may…