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WordPress for Beginners: Signing up for InMotion Hosting


Signup today with InMotion Hosting and get 57% OFF on hosting and full access to my Divi and WordPress courses for free.


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hello and welcome so in the previous video I showed you how to register your domain name and we also entered some name servers so this stage now is very important because this is where we get to sign up for our hosting now there are several companies out there that offer web hosting services but what I recommend is that you go with a company that is very good at supporting you when things go wrong with your website because you’re going to
spend a lot of time searching on the internet searching on Google on how to solve problems but that’s the last thing you need to do especially if you’re starting off with web design ideally you want a website with great support and the companies that I’ve worked with before a lot of them were really you know a letdown and some of it really affected my business because I spent most of my time trying to fix problems rather than focusing on
designing the websites so through my experience I’ve come to set up with a company called in motion hosting and this company is very very good because the team behind the support really really understand WordPress so any questions that you throw at them they are likely going to respond to them and know exactly what is going on now some of the other hosting companies do not provide this WordPress support because once you set up your website that’s
it is bye-bye if anything goes wrong with your website that’s your own problem because they only focus on providing the hosting of your website but as I mentioned within motion hosting they have great support and this is why I recommend them now I have a link which I will add to my to the video description if you click this link it will give you the details of in motion hosting and also give you a 57 percent discount okay this is huge right so
let me show you how to get to this page so as I mentioned there’s a link in the show notes in the video notes below so once you click that link it’ll take you to this page I get a commission if you do subscribe of course okay so let’s go through the order process so I’m gonna come over here to order now now there’s three options there is three years to year and two years and one now here’s the thing if you’re just trying out to see if hosting web
hosting is for you then I would say go for the one year option but if you know that this is going to be the company that you’re gonna use and your website is going to be going on for a quality for quite a while maybe it’s your business website or maybe even you want to design websites as a career I would say go for the three years mainly because this saves you a lot of money look at this this is two dollars 95 per month but if you choose one year
it’s four dollars 95 per month now before I move on to the next day is step we can see here we have three options record power Pro and launch now if you are going to be a freelance designer then you want to start off with this power options because it starts you off with six websites and then you can upgrade as you go along but if you’re just designing websites and you’re building your own website or your company website a business website then
you can I recommend you go with launch all right so let’s say here I’m going with one year I’m gonna click on that and then this opens a new tab and this is right now we get to enter all our details so in the first video if you recall we registered the domain name first okay so here we have this upsell is talking about congratulations you’ve been selected for launch one year plan of fifty three eighty eight special offer value blah blah okay I’m
gonna say no thanks for now right so here on the data center it’s – it’s it’s got two choices Washington and Los Angeles now I just leave it a default because it doesn’t really make a difference but the next stage here is the most important one content management system auto installer now in motion hosting is going to install WordPress for you automatically you don’t have to worry about setting it all up and setting the databases and the links
and all of that it’ll do that automatically so make sure install WordPress is selected now you can see that when I’ve selected this it’s showing me here my discount is $54 otherwise if if the discount wasn’t added then I would have to be paying a and $7 eighty eight pence so here it just shows that our discount our 57 percent is working okay so I’m gonna go I’m gonna click on continue to move on to our next step now in the first video we
registered our domain name if you recall now this is where you want to add your domain name so you click on here where it says I already own this domain and then you enter the domain name that you have registered in the first video so I’m just gonna enter a domain name here don’t code on UK this is for demo purposes only okay so once you’ve entered your domain name click continue now it’s gonna take you to the billing page so this is where you
need to enter your email address if you’re a new customer so here I’m just gonna enter okay so that’s my email address if you’re a returning customer in motion hosting provides you with a control center this is where you’d enter your primary email address and password so for now I’m just gonna click continue so what you then do is you get this page for your billing so this is where you enter your first name your last name your company name now
this company name is optional as you can see here and then this is where you get to choose your country so you choose your country where you are and differently it’s gonna be on that list and then you enter your address a phone number your email address and then you need to confirm your email address now this email address option here is very very important because this is where you get your confirmation of your your hosting and also this is
where you get your username and your password that you need to access your auto installed a WordPress website ok so once you’ve entered all this information all you need to do is to scroll all the way down here and then you select your payment method so it’s straightforward all you need to do is to enter your card details you card expiration date and the last three days on your card so once you clear once you add all that you click on review my
order and then you go to the final stage and that’s where you get your automated emails now once you receive those emails its straightforward and that’s what we’re gonna do the next video where I show you you know the two emails that come from in motion hosting and the email that has the details for you to be able to log into your WordPress website okay so that’s it for this video see you the next one