How To Create A Custom Preloader Screen in Wix – Wix Code Tutorial | Wix Website Tutorial

[ad_1] Weekly Wix Tips- Me? – Course-————————Creating a custom preloader or loading screen in Wix is actually much easier than it may appear. Using the new Wix Code, Wix now allows you to create a custom preloader or loading screen. Truly, since Wix Code uses JavaScript to run it’s functions, really anything…

How To Create A Custom Preloader Screen in Wix – Wix Code Tutorial | Wix Website Tutorial

[ad_1] what is up guys it’s your dude computer of the Gilbert here hand into this video I’ve got another Wix code tutorial guys I’m gonna be probably hammering you with which code tutorials because it’s out it’s released so now if you didn’t hear the news I mean this has already been about three…