How to Apply Sticky Column for Elementor | JetTricks Plugin

[ad_1] 🔹 Want to make the content noticeable and traceable throughout the page? 🔹 Need to emphasize visual content, text, button or even sidebar?🔹 Search for a tool to make it once and for all — desktop, tablet or smartphone? #Elementor #Sticky #Column widget will do it for you! ⚡⚡ ⚡ This short tutorial will…

How to set up Elementor Testimonials Widget | JetElements Plugin

[ad_1] If you are looking for a way to bring the reviews from your customers to the next level, then #Testimonial widget for #Elementor is a perfect option for you! Design a unique testimonial layout and bring your ideas to life with #JetElements plugin. Use Elementor testimonials to gain trust for your website. Make sure…

How to apply Elementor Countdown Timer | JetElements plugin

[ad_1] Ever wanted to have a cool marketing tool to boost sales on your website? You definitely missed our #Elementor #countdown timer. A website countdown timer is a must-have when you want to:⏰ evoke urgency that drives actions⏰ announce the upcoming events⏰ garner your audience to wait for something together With this tutorial, you’ll know…

How to Apply Read More Widget for Elementor | JetTricks Plugin

[ad_1] Where to use Read More widget? Apply it for Elementor single pages or blog design to present additional articles, subscribe forms, and educative videos in a neat way. This is not the full list, your imagination is the limit! Do you want to hide particular sections to make the page’s content more compact and…