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Is Wix Right for Your Business?

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Is Wix Right for Your Business?

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In this video:

I cover my thoughts on if Wix is the right choice for a business website.

So when is using a Wix site the right decision for your business, and when it is not?

A huge advantage of Wix is its affordable price (which makes sense for some businesses) but what has often overlooked it how effective the end result is. This video will show both business owners and other website designers when it makes sense for someone to use Wix for their business and when it doesn’t.

I would love to see your thoughts, experiences, and feedback below on this topic in the comments. What do you think?

If you got value from this be sure to hit subscribe/give it a like. Thanks everyone.

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guys how’s it going this video is gonna break down Wix websites and compare it with a custom website solution which is going to be the best for a certain sort of business honestly it depends for some businesses it’s really going to make sense to go ahead with Wix for other businesses that is not going to be a good decision to make they’re gonna lose a lot of potential income and a lot of potential revenue or clients or whatever sort of result
they’re trying to get from a website so in this video I’m gonna break it down show you why I think that way and just give you some examples of businesses that really benefit with Wix or other businesses that should really go ahead and build a proper website using a proper website designer so for a business owner this could be a really tricky choice to make they want to invest the right amount of money but at the same time they want to get the
biggest possible return on that money that they spent when they look at Wix they’re seeing something that’s very affordable it’s very cheap and they’re trying to compare this with more expensive web design and maybe they’re struggling to see what the return on investment what that is I’m going to break it down across three different categories I’m going to break it down on the initial price the overall cost of the project including the time
invested the money invested and then the end result that you know final product when it’s online what should you expect to see when it’s up there from potential clients from you know your potential income coming from the website all those things that come as a result of having the website online alright so the first category I’m going to focus on is price just a straight up price of the project from the beginning how much it’s going to cost so
I’m here in the Wix website gonna go to pricing this might change over time it’s early 2018 right now depending on your region or depending when you’re watching on this video maybe these prices are slightly different but we’re seeing here for this ecommerce solution it’s pretty much a hundred dollars a year and you get all these different things I’ll let you go visit the Wix website yourself see whatever package most stands out to you but
basically you’re talking about a hundred dollars a year to get a website online so on price alone Wix is gonna win this one no website designer right there he’s reputable is gonna come anywhere close to a hundred dollars so if you’re a startup business or if you’re just a low revenue business you want to get something simple online some that you can do yourself maybe in the evenings or at work Wix is probably your best choice if that’s all you
care about is just getting a website up there for you know the cheapest price or the most affordable price possible I would even as a web designer I would go ahead and recommend Wix the next category though is going to be cost so this is definitely different to price and it’s going to take a little bit more time not too much but to break it down correctly and you got to think of this when it comes to a business especially if you’re a business
owner watching this you really got to consider not just a price but what’s the cost of these two different solutions alright so next up is cost weight cost you have to look at not what the price is at the beginning but what the project is actually costing you and it could be potentially negatively costing you business in terms of clients in terms of revenue in terms of projects so I’m gonna look at two potential businesses and see what is the
right choice for them when it comes to choosing a website solution this first business is a flower shop and let’s say they sell $800 worth of flowers a week that’s roughly 40,000 a year the thing you got a next look at is where is a flower shop getting its business from how much of it is coming offline how much it is coming from online so I’m not in a flower shop industry but I would imagine for a flower shop for a business like this a lot of
their clients a lot of their sales are coming from where they’re physically located maybe they’re on a busy street maybe they’re on a popular street corner people are walking past seeing the flowers and you know dropping in making a purchase that’s pretty normal I would imagine for a flower shop the other main revenue for them to make sales I would presume is from past happy clients or from referrals so maybe somebody went there before they
really liked the flowers they had a good experience and they drop back again or somebody went there and then they told a family member they told a friend and then that person pops in at another later stage and also makes a purchase so let’s just say 20 percent other customers come from having a website so we would say over a year at 40,000 potentially $8,000 of that is coming from the website that’s a 20% of their revenue so let me just type this
in at 20 percent of sales and then let’s say an amazing website a much better website is gonna increase sales let’s just say by twenty five percent so to say me typing again I’ve already done the maths at 25 percent of a thousand you’re talking potentially two thousand more revenue so if these people in this fictional example if they got twenty percent of their yearly revenue from their website which would equal a thousand dollars if they improve
the websites that got twenty five percent more sales they’re talking a potential of two thousand extra dollars per year so why this is important is when it comes to you know choosing what the best solution for them is if they go out and hire a web designer for two thousand dollars it’s basically going to take them one year of making twenty five percent better sales from their website to even pay that off so a much better solution for this
business is probably just to do it themselves use some sort of website builder like Wix don’t invest that much money because it would take a lot of time and a lot of potential sales to just even make back the initial money that they spent but that is just an example of a smaller business I’m going to show you we’re getting a custom website design really does make sense so let’s look at business number two which is a construction business let’s
say they’re you know pretty decent business they sell two projects a month at 30,000 that’s roughly seven hundred and twenty thousand a year and let’s say if we build them a great web site very custom solution we got you know a great portfolio on there we got great past results that they have we show their qualifications all their technical abilities all the different services and by doing this building a great website getting it to list better
online you know true SEO showing up higher in Google searches we get a 20% increase in sales over a year that’s gonna equal one hundred and forty four thousand dollars extra year for this business again though we have this question how much of this came from the website and is that figure realistic so here’s the difference between the two different businesses with a flower shop they’re mostly dependent upon their physical location and past
clients people who them as a business what a construction company though people are not likely to physically see business they’re gonna go looking online they’re gonna do Google searches you know best construction business in my area or a construction company in whatever town this is primarily a way that people would search at a business like a construction business they’re still gonna have people who refer them they’re still going to have some
people who see the physical location depending on where they’re based but a lot of sales for a business like this are gonna come from people searching online and I have past experience in construction this is definitely the case where I would say at least 50% of your new clients of new business every year is coming through people searching for that business online coming across the website and then making a decision to go ahead and purchase the
services or the product so with a business like this that has these higher priced projects these higher priced sales even though they’re doing much less quantity of sales each one is worth that much more you have this large yearly you know revenue for this business a 20% increase in sales is gonna be a huge result let’s just even say it was a five percent increase in sales you’re still gonna have this figure of about you know roughly I think
thirty two thousand there that’s gonna be a really decent figure and they could go ahead and vest in a website let’s say it was eight thousand dollars an amazing website great photos great text that explained everything about this business a really good layout and a good sale system that website should we pay back within a few weeks a few months and then for the next few years it’s just going to be straight profit from the best thing in that so
when it comes at the cost of a project you really have to look at these things not just the initial price but over a few months over a few years what are you potentially losing by not getting the right solution all right so just switch on the lights the Sun was starting to go down here pretty fast another thing would cost is this it’s not just the money it’s the time and effort that it takes a business owner to make a great side for their
business I think about Wix that is often overlooked is this when you look at a template like this one here it’s very very visually based it’s a lot of amazing looking images or perhaps an amazing looking video that really is what makes the site the way it is when you go ahead and purchase something like this so that’s not going to be there you’re gonna have to change the site with your own images where your own videos if you’re a typical business
owner that’s not really something you have you don’t just have a bunch of you know professional images lying around and a professionally made video promoting your services so that’s going to be very hard for you to create a similar quality example as what you’re purchasing you know Wix use this a lot they’re selling of course you know the best they can their own services but when they show you sites like this with these amazing images let me just
click on the portfolio page as an example you know this is all image based you’re looking at this and you’re thinking wow this you know if I have this for my business this would be amazing but you know you’re looking at these images what they’re selling you is not these images they’re selling you this layout you’re gonna have to go ahead and put your own images in here and if you’re not a professional photographer if you don’t want to hire a
professional photographer it’s going to be very difficult to build something to the same quality of a website like this one thing I will say is when you go and hire a professional website designer they really know how to do this to the best of their abilities when you hire a you know a proper professional they’re gonna have a great website that converts you know the casual person looking at this website into a potential sale that’s a whole
purpose of a website is to take you know general interest and convert that into some sort of action that you want for your you know that business owner wants for that business that can be done visually true using great photos great videos it can be done using great text great copywriting is what it’s called basically true writing kind of hitting on all the different things that might convince someone to go ahead and take action and to use this
product or to use this service with Wix they’re relying upon a lot of visual elements and if you don’t have those visual things to add in like great images and great videos you’re really struggling because there’s not a lot of space here for text and even if there is space for text that’s something that you’re gonna have to write yourself so this is when we start to see here separation of who Wix is suitable for and who it isn’t suitable for if
you’re a business that can afford to invest the money upfront to hire proper web designer even maybe also a professional photographer or videographer have those great media elements like great images and great videos but even just with a normal website designer professional website designer just having a great layout having great text in there having simple but effective images in the right place that hit on the right sort of points that you’re
trying to make that’s really gonna see a huge return on investment if it makes sense to make that initial investment there’s no way that a website you know no offense to Wix but there’s no way that a website built by somebody who’s not a website designer is gonna compete against somebody who’s you know professional website designer for years who really understands sales psychology sales systems sales funnels and things like SEO ranking getting a
site to list well on Google and to just work effectively when somebody visits it you know Wix does have customer support but at the end of the day they’re not gonna create that website for you they’re only going to troubleshoot certain issues all right so my last category is results what you got to look at the most important thing when you look at a website it’s not the cost but what’s the end result I’m sure you would be happy to pay any price
if within one week you had met back more money than what you spent so the most important thing for making sense of the price you paid as a results that you get at the end of the day I want to compare two different sites this is a fitness template on Wix which again this is going to cost you like roughly hundred dollars a year and this is another website for a guy called Joe Wix no relation to Wix he’s the body coach if you live in the UK you
might know of this guy he’s a very popular fitness guy all over Instagram and stuff but this is his website he runs literally a business that you know roughly I think from my knowledge makes over 20 million a year this is his website very very simple it would have seemed on the surface very very easy to layout this might seem to you know somebody not familiar with web design something that they themselves create using something like Wix so let’s
break down the different results let’s look at this Wix one first so a thing again what I discovered in that last section was wait a template like this it now looks great you’re looking at this on the Wix website you’re looking at these images and you’re thinking wow this would be perfect for my business the thing is though you you know might have this very cheap initial cost of paying Wix for a template like this but you got to go ahead and
either use these very generic photos or you got to go out and pay someone or do it yourself take photos for your own business also you’re gonna have to write up all this text and hope that you write it in such a way as to get sales as to hit on the right sort of things to promote some of the take some action to sign up for your services or your product the thing with a website like this obviously Joe Wix did not design his own website he paid
someone to do this while this website looks simple on the surface there’s a lot of stuff going on here so straightaway you got this great intro paragraph you have these different you know indicators that this guy is well known that he’s trusted that he’s an authority in his space you have this section here we’re getting into different things included in his plan I’m not gonna go into huge detail with his site but all these different things are
hitting upon different sales psychology tactics or approaches they’re converting somebody you know a very high percentage of people who visit this Web site into a paying customer that’s what matters here that’s what’s making this guy millions upon millions a year is his website is designed by somebody who knows how to sell who knows how to turn cold traffic as the expression but turn people visiting this website who might or might not buy and
turn those people into somebody who did buy that’s going to be the huge difference for any business as a results that you got from a website so when you look as a business owner when you look at a website and you think oh this looks like something you might be able to build yourself that’s really not a fair representation of how talented some web designers are in so far as how much results they can get for your business while you might be able to
build something like this that’s like looking at a painting in a famous art museum it’s worth millions and thinking you know I might be able to copy that exact design for myself maybe but you’re not really understanding the underlying principles of what’s actually being done there and it’s unlikely that it’s gonna get you know similar results that’s not an exact accurate reflection upon alright so it’s just the analogy I came up but but um maybe
another analogy would be like a doctor I mean you could Google something online and get Google to tell you what is wrong and just trust that that’s the right thing or you could go to a professional expert and really get a proper opinion and get it treated correctly as fast as possible and make a full recovery and the shortest amount of time possible same with web design people exist out there they really know what they’re doing they know how to
get people to go ahead and use your service use your product if you’re doing it yourself if you’re setting it up yourself one it’s taking focus away from your own business the thing that you really should be focused upon and two if you do go ahead and do it you really have to rely upon yourself to be able to do all these things and then compete against other businesses who might have hired an expert so I’ll leave it at that I do think that Wix is
still the right choice for certain businesses smaller businesses who don’t want to spend that much money and probably won’t see that much return from a website but I do think if a business is gonna potentially have a lot of revenue either coming from a great website or lost because they didn’t invest in a good website then they really should go ahead hire an expert and get it done correctly if you’ve met it to the end of this video I trust you
either know a lot about Web Design or you care a lot about Web Design either for yourself or for your own business please leave me a comment below let me know what has your experience Wix being either as a business owner or as a designer or if you prefer a custom website solution if you’re a designer why do you think that’s the right choice if you’re a business owner how are you making that decision what is it based upon I’d love to see your
advice your comments it’s gonna help out other people it’s going to help out myself as well to know what people are really thinking out there and what they see as being the best choice for themselves hit like if you enjoyed this video hit subscribe if you’re into web design and you want to see similar content like this in the future thanks for watching