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ipage ecommerce review – ipage ecommerce hosting

ipage ecommerce review – ipage ecommerce hosting
More info: We’ve shown you just how quick and easy it is to get a personal website or blog up and running with iPage. But, what if you wanted to start up an online business? Thankfully, iPage has you covered with all the e-commerce tools you need to start up an online store. And even better, most of these e-commerce tools are free and included in your hosting plan.
iPage makes it easy for any business, large or small, to set up a working online shopping site in no time. There are lots of e-commerce features to choose from and the fact that most of them are free, is an added bonus for anyone to open up their very own online shop.

If you need the opportunity to increase your exposure globally, we recommend iPage e-commerce supported hosting.

hi this is yi from web hosting break we’ve already shown you just how quick and easy it is to get a personal website or blog up and running with I page but what if you wanted to start up an online business thankfully I page has it covered with all the ecommerce tools you need to start up an online store and even better most of these ecommerce tools are free and included in your hosting plan for an online store the first thing you need is a
shopping cart in a nutshell a shopping cart is simply a term referring to a software used to convert your website into an online store that can list products let customers make purchases and also for them to check out now the great thing about ipad is that you’re not only given a free online store but you have the flexibility to choose between different chopping cuts now some hosts inside only offer you one type of shopping cart to choose from
that works out of the box are the times are given none and have to figure it out all yourself I page on the other hand you’re given the most popular online shopping cart to choose from included our shop site OS commerce and also of gorica let’s take a look at the shopping cart shop site for example now if you’re looking for a simple online store then the shopsite starter is perfect and it’s actually free and included in many hosting plans however
if you wanted to sell more than 15 products or wish to have features like coupon certificate and inventory tracking then you might wish to take a look at shop site manager or shopsite pro these options will cost you extra per month on top of your hosting plan installing shop sire is really easy now if you log into your ministry to control panel on the back end under website you will see the logo shopsite starter so if you click on this this will
take you through the installation process now it’s really really easy and all you need to do is click enable shop site and it only takes you a few minutes now if you have any problems or question feel free to contact the I page help center and they’re more than happy to take you through the installation process now I’m currently in the back end of a shop side demo page just to show you how easy it is to use the administrative control panel and
how intuitive it is to customize your online store now if you just go to products here here you can easily add products delete products or edit the product info or prices so obviously my store here is why I’m actually selling cakes I have an assortment of cakes until it’s click dark chocolate cake I can edit the product info let that prenup so here you go I can easily change the prices and also have a different product description as well and
also change the image again I can also manage orders so if you have a lot of orders coming in then sometime it’s hard to tell if you know I need to post something off or I should send an email to say that I’ve received the order so with something like this I can easily see what the newest orders are and what I have to do with them for example contact the customer or send it out to them etc and again you also given a lot of comprehensive reports
as well which you can easily print out so there are product reports customer shipping etc so let’s take a look what it looks like on the front end so if it’s click on my store ok so my website is called Kim’s cakes and again this is very simple and they only took me a few minutes to get it up and running ok so if you want to try it out yourself of the backend and see what kind of other templates you can come up with you can actually go to the
shop sites demo store which is simply forward slash demo and here you can test out various stores such as owls tools Tina toys she has fun costs and also Kim’s cakes a lot of customers are always worried about security when it comes to online shopping well I page gives you the chance to secure your website so it won’t be vulnerable to hackers and protect sensitive information during online transactions now there are two ssl
certificates you can choose from with I page there’s the quick ssl premium certificate and also the extended validation ssl certificate now ssl stands for secure sockets layer it encrypts data when you’re transmitting information over the Internet such as personal details and credit card numbers protecting your online site with their ssl certificates us from just 5995 a year and it’s really worth the investment with billions of money lost each
year due to internet fraud it’s a price worth paying to protect your business and also the privacy of your customers so you have the shopping cart setup and the security all sorted out but how would your customers pay you now for customers to pay you you will need a checkout system and a payment processor now the most popular payment processor is paypal it’s integrated with a lot of online shopping sites including ebay dell walmart and sony now I
page it actually provides you with the capability of integrating paypal checkout system and also payment processor onto your website all you need to do is sign up for a paypal merchant account which is free and easy to do now one disadvantage of using paypal is that the checkout process isn’t as easy for customer without a paypal account also transferred the money from your paypal account to your bank account can sometimes incur a fee now if you
have a comprehensive online store with the large volume of sales you might look into I payment as an option to now I payment it can process credit card transactions can also be integrated to your website without any hassle at all the collected funds from your online purchases are automatically deposited into your bank account now just wrapping up I page makes it easy for any business large or small to set up a working online shopping site in no
time there are lots of e-commerce features to choose from and the fact that most of them are free is an added bonus for anyone to open up the very own online shop so if you need the opportunity to increase your exposure globally we recommend I page ecommerce supported hosting