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How To Sell Domain Names On Godaddy Auction And Earn money | Complete Procedure In Hindi

How To Earn More By Selling Domain On Any Auction. Here we explain the best way to sell your domain to get the maximum profit.r

One of the best Place to sell your domain is GoDaddy Website. Why GoDaddy, because of more traffic and trust with decent service.r

When you open GoDaddy, On top corner you can see a menu bar inside which you can navigate to Auction Sub Menu.r

Here you can get the Pricing in Detailr

Around 358 INR is needed for getting an account for selling in Godaddy.r

This amount is for one year. For this much of amount you can take the subscription for one year.r

Yes while selling a domain, GoDaddy will take some commission but that is absolutely fair.r

When you get a Premium Account, you will be listed on Features List on Main Domain Auction page. But there also you have to pay little so that you can get the placement on Features List on Auction List.r

Also you can add Reserve Price for your Auction so that your Domain will remain in the Auction even after the Bid is over till your price is not reached.r

That is one of the best benefit of being a premium member on Godaddy Auction. Here also you have to pay little bit for getting the Reserve Price for your Domains.r

There is Features List on Auction Page where you can really see the listed Domains so that they will get maximum attention.