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How to Make Money Blogging: WIX Blog

In this tutorial, I show you how to create a blog on WIX and will show you how to make money blogging.

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hi everyone this tutorial is all about how to add a blog into your Wix website so in this tutorial I’m gonna teach you how to do the mechanics of adding a plug-in so I’m actually gonna show you on the screen I’m how to add in an article but I wanted to give you the solid steps to adding a blog into your site and making it work for your business because that’s obviously the most important thing there’s no point in adding a blog if it’s not
actually gonna give you any value to your website so these are the steps firstly you need to come up with a concept for your blog now the concept is not only the design but what you’re going to actually blog about so you need to have a theme and structure to your blog’s so my blogs for example as a Wix designer I teach about how to actually you know use the Wix editor so tutorials I also talked about how the designs of value add and also how to
SEO you know gain traffic to your website which is also another value add to my existing customers that gives them more than what I’ve been able to give them their design so it’s about creating a platform for you to be an expert in your field so how do you be an expert in your field you need to have the right content to give to your customers so I would be looking on Google at other blogs what do they blog about in your industry do they do
tutorials do they do more gallery based inspiration blogs do they write about developments in the field do they show how the new products are working and and why they’re so important to have you know you need to think of those questions that your customer and visitor will have and then you can answer them in your blogs now just a distinction here it’s not an FAQ time it’s not a time for you to talk about your services it’s a time for you to give
value back to your customers so when it comes to my blog for example I love tutorials I think they’re a really great way of giving back to the customer also keeps them coming back they want to know more they want to find out more things so it’s giving them a return factor you know my blog people keep coming back to and they want to subscribe to they want to hear my next tutorial or next opinion or all the latest development and weeks and how to
include in their site so how can you do that with your business blog how can you give them that value add once you have that once you know where you’re gonna go with your blog you know what you’re gonna blog about half the work is already done so in these next steps I’m gonna take you through how to add a blog into your website and how easy it is and then again how to add articles in all the time and then manage it because we want to be able to
manage this super simple and make blogging a really easy process all right guys let’s go so step two is adding in a blog into your website now I just used a generic template when the blank templates on weeks one that doesn’t already have a blog into it to show you how to do it so as you can see here once I’ve gone into the editor the second one from the bottom there is start blogging so it’s already in there for me which is which is nice and easy
I’m gonna click start blogging and it’s gonna ask me if I want to add to my site so I’m gonna click Add now and we starts to do its thing it creates that’s creating the blog and if you start pop-up over here but the blog instantly goes on to a page okay it creates its own page so if you wanted your blog to be on a home page for example you’d have to transform this page into the home page or add the home galleries into the home page as a feature
but the blog needs its own page and weeks creates it that way there’s no way around that goes so let’s take a look here we’ve got I’m gonna take you around the blog manager first thing we have here is add a new blog post and manage your blog now that takes us to actually the articles themselves and adding them in we are not going to address that just yet we are going to take a look through the design first and this as I don’t not sure I’ve
mentioned this before but this is the old Wix blog this is the best blog to be using until I think some of the kinks are out of the new books bug but this is still very available to you okay so blog pages so every blog has two pages it has the main blog itself and then a single post so at the moment I just click out of this we are looking at the main blog page so we are gonna play with the design here just as much as we would with any other page
so if I click this this is the blog feed I can manage the posts which were again we’re going to talk about later I can add a new post which again I said we’re going to talk about later or we can start looking at the settings and design okay so settings so we can decide on the number of posts we want to display per page we might decide that five is more of an appropriate number we don’t want ten we want people to scroll through we can change the
date format and what actually precedes the author’s name so we’ve got a few designs so you can see that’s just featured just here that’s how we edit that we can change the amount of characters that the post title the post story the post text here shows okay so we can make it a little bit more condensed or we can show a lot more we can scroll through and change those numbers and as you can see as I scroll through and change the numbers this post
example here gets bigger okay the next thing we can do is play with the image size so we can decide to make that bigger or smaller and I think bigger especially if you have a really interesting image to show that I think that’s really important the read more button we can play with the size of that and make it longer so it fits the length of the text for example and we can also change the height of it as well but you can see once you’ve changed
the height of it it does affect the entire post box size so just be aware of when you’re doing that and we can always put in out compelling call to action you know read more from this article for example you can put anything you want there you can have one of your catchy lines there so at the bottom of your gallery you have the next post button so if we scroll down to the bottom this has only got three so it’s not showing at the moment but we can
um arrows at the bottom that show what’s coming next and what’s previous so you can always change that text as well it’s basically once you’ve got more than five actually let’s set that to two so I can show you exactly what I’m talking about there we go next and previous so we can change how that reads we might say back to page one or page two or something like that back to page okay so that is just the setting so it’s a little bit playing with
the design but not a lot okay so once we hit that again we’re going to play with the layout we can change the way this particular gallery here looks and if you just want to click it and play with it you can see how it changes how it also lays out I’m quite a fan of this one especially if you’ve got a really big images to use and just change it through find the one that works best for you and alignment as well right aligned or left alone number of
columns we can change the columns it’s all depending on which one that you you pick we can change the space between the posts and vertically as well that and the post padding now that is how close the text and the image actually falls within those boxes okay you can change the date alignment to be Center and the title alignment to be Center or or whichever justified you want the center looks pretty cool and again you can change the the post body
as well to be Center and then the read more button as well and you can even play with the margins on the button too so there’s a lot of different ways you can adjust it you can’t like other elements click on it and move it around you do have to use the layout feature okay so let’s say we want to change the colors we hit design and from here we can change anything about the following elements the title the post body the image the date the author
the categories are read more button when you hit for example title it lets you just change the font the color and want that to be red I’m just playing here guys or I can change it to one of my themes I’m like no I want to be my basic heading theme and you can play with it that way okay stretch so we can have it go the full width of the page if we really want to but it’s not really meeting our design so we’re gonna take it back to the the normal
size okay so again on the blog page you have some standard things that the blog adds in for you so the first one is a featured post gallery and this one when you’re adding in an actual article and I’ll show you how to do this a little bit down the track you can actually feature a particular post you star it it becomes the feature so this is a gallery just for featured you can have your recent posts you can have an archive you can search by tags
and you’ve got a social media link there these are all things that if I want to I could click delete and they’re gone okay they are not stuck on the page you don’t have to have them you can have anything you want on that side it’s it’s totally up to you so if you want to you can add in an image you could add in a video or once you come down to blog you can change it to one of the other certain you can put in a custom feed you can point it check
out a gallery whatever you want you are not locked in to any of those things guys I tend to look at other blogs and see what they’re doing in this um in the side panel are they doing featured posts are they doing a profile and and look to see what the current trend is and I’d be looking to meet that because you want your blog to look as modern as possible you can change how much this fills the side and you can stretch that like that if you want
to and you can make those a lot closer to each other and you can also change the design of the box itself so there with the background that too we can make them blue circles dark grey I mean whatever you want you can change the design and as you wish that’s how you do that okay so you’ve we’ve worked out how we want the home of the blog to be saying guys it’s not looking very elegant but it’s all just an example so now I want to go play with the
single post and that’s how all of my single posts are going to look so I’m going to jump over there and I’m going to and I will get to the SEO of that a little bit later I just want to jump to my up so my blog build pages and single post so our muse still getting used to this new editor and if we look here this is how the single post is going to looks how it’s going to display now these once again are independent features if you decided to leave
them on your single post page it doesn’t delete on the blog homepage these these are two separate pages just like your about and your contact page or two separate pages and once again you can click on it and you can do all the same things you change the layout you can change the design there are a little bit more restrictions you’re not as free with this but that’s because it’s follows a blog format so again you change the design you can delete
things you can add more things in here and blog you can add and add those things in you can added a new image a video whatever you want you’re just playing with this design just like you are any other page everything is removable and everything is edible as well okay so once you decide on the layout of your single page now don’t forget to neglect your single page your blog has two elements the home page of it and the single single post page so
make sure you’ve done those two you are ready to start adding your articles in so if you go over to my Blagh and you go add a new blog post on manage blog they’re both gonna get you roughly to the same area so I’m gonna click manage I think it’s doing an auto so for me sorry about that guys that was a little bit slow okay so here we go here is where I can add in my new posts so on the side panel is where I can navigate I’ve got all my posts my
categories my tags my insights which is insulin beta so I think I’ve only got access that you might not have access to that and setting this so let’s take a look at all the posts I’m going to click new post and this is what pops up so I’m first gonna add in a title new blog I’m gonna select the date and I do want that to be today and the author is me and you can add in as many authors as you want once you’ve got a few kinds like to drop down and
you’re going to be able to add in as many officers you want from here we can type directly in or we can copy and paste content so I would recommend writing the body of your of your content and even your title in word and then copy and pasting it in so if I if if you want to you can copy and paste that in and it helps you with the grammar and the spelling and also helps you make sure your your it reads properly that you know checks all that
paragraphing into it and indenting sometimes that the Wix bug doesn’t pick up on spelling and grammar so I definitely recommend writing it in word away from this and then also you’ve got the lovely autosave functions in word too so you’ve always got a backup of you of your blog content so from here you can copy and paste you can type straight in as I mentioned before you can also add in an image just like you wouldn’t in your site so let’s go
free from Wix I’m just gonna hit the first one I see lovely apply add it in you can stretch it to the size you see here when I’ve been stretching it it sure what percentage it’s going to be there’s a hundred percent I can align it to the left center alright and I can also link it to something else and here’s my alt text this is where I can put in the details of my blog SEO so I want to go Wix blog how to blog on weeks for example this is the sort
of thing I blog about for you it might be fitness studio Richmond Melbourne if I could spell today I can’t spell um and there you go and there’s your alt tags you missed you I see oh it’s whatever you need it to be you could also add in a gallery into the site you can add in a video the gifts are in there as well we can add in divider or even a little bit of HTML code there all the things you add in and again they’ve got a little bit of limited
control but you can still add them into your sash so once you’ve added in the content you’ve got your images your videos whatever you want in there you come over here and you’re gonna do the following things you underside whether it was a featured post or not you can start it and then it means it’s gonna be added into that gallery or not you can take that away from here you can add in tags and you can go look this one is about fitness and it’s
about weight loss they’re my two tags on this particular post and that’ll show up in my tags on my blog homepage or I can also assign it to a category and how many categories yet but I’m gonna make a weight loss section I just hit enter and that has been added in so if I want to add another new category and say it’s about Fitness add that in I can unclick and click as I want to okay from here you’ve got related posts now I don’t really have that
option because I don’t have any other posts to link it to but once you’ve got more you go in there and you select the related posts that you want to have linked to this particular particular blog post and Vence this gives you a chance to add in the SEO your meta title your meta description and if you hit over info it shows what these two things are and it’s basically about giving your visitors a bit more insight into what it is about and also
helps with your SEO your excerpt you can also have just a straight up quote or a slice of text from your blog post which often gets used on Google or when you share it ok you can even change the URL associated with the the blog post itself to make it a little bit more SEO friendly so once you happy with that you can click done you can go in and edit that at any time even after it is published so don’t get don’t get too bogged down if it’s not
perfect and you can always come back and edit it so once you’re happy you’re like yep my blog is good I’ve done my SEO I assign my categories and my tags I can even take a look at it on preview and go how’s it gonna look is it looking the way I want it to look yeah new blog looking good looking fine as you can tell it’s my single post page because remember we deleted this one before I’m gonna hit publish okay so I haven’t published my sites give
you me a warning but we know this is a temporary one so yeah we’ve got that covered and there is a publish post that means it’s gonna be on my blog the minute I hit live that is the first post people are gonna see and the only one at the moment so we jump back over here and we go to categories and we created these categories and whilst rule-making our blog but if you want to you know you’re already you’ve got some categories you want to add in
you can do them from here it’s not a problem you’re not really bound to doing it inside the blog you can manage it straight from here tags these the tags that we have already added in and they do need to be added in whilst you’re adding your blog and settings automatically approach to face automatically publish to Facebook so I can actually set up where every time put a new blog in it automatically publishes my Facebook okay and click that or you
can update subscribers every time you publish an article it automatically sends an email to your subscribers to say yeah you’ve sent out a new blog here it is if you’re lucky enough to have the insights you have the overview site traffic and blog basically it’s just showing you a whole lot of statistics about how your blog is going as you can see I haven’t got any stats yet we’ll just create this so that’s not going to be happening with this is a
beta in stillness testing phase so a lot of you might not have it but don’t worry and hopefully it’ll be coming to you soon so I’m going to click out of this I’ve added a blog post in I can keep adding blogs and I can add a new post anytime I can manage my blog as you can see adding a new post takes me directly to this page so the final thing is is I need to promote my blog so once you’ve posted this particular article and you go onto your site
and you get the link so I’m going to show you exactly what that link looks like on my blog so sorry just loading so I’ve got my blogging advice so let’s say one of mine is nine first-time web design mistakes what I can do is highlight the URL command C copy I’m sorry I’m on a Mac just copy and then you can go into Facebook create a new post and promote that particular write that particular post so let’s jump through let’s go the Wix Bert and
sorry guys Internet’s running a little bit slow today if I jump here write something and it’s gonna fetch your preview for me so that I can promote it basically promote your blog as hard and as much as you can you don’t want to be in a situation where no one’s reading it because you’re not telling anyone about it and I would recommend posting it everywhere that you have it add it in it’s like every a social media account that you have I’d post it
to every email that you send out I’m sure your subscribers or to your fans or to your customers you know if you do a blast out that way I’ll even email it to people who you think are going to find it useful if they really want to find out something specific and you know that I’d be sending it directly to them it’s really going to help so this is example blog this is my my blog jump on have a look you can see how different I’ve made the entire
thing look I’ve even added in my own custom side I’ve got a little profile about me I’ve got my Pinterest and my Instagram you know I really tailor the page to the things that I’m trying to promote at the time so you can do that so remember have your concept ready know what are you going to be talking about in your blog make sure your design is on point get it into your site and remember it’s going to create its own page and own section on your
site add your articles in write them in word it’s going to be the best thing for you for spelling and grammar in particular and then promote your blog as hard as you can in all the right places I hope this helps guys and I look forward to seeing your blogs don’t forget to post them in the comments so yeah