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How To Install WordPress On GreenGeeks 2021 🔥 SSL & Email Setup [Tutorial: beginners buying guide]

Want to learn how to buy and install WordPress on GreenGeeks correctly? In this step-by-step tutorial, I will show how to do this quickly and provide tips and tricks along the way. I will also show you how to save some money and get a discount when you purchase GreenGeeks through my special link below.

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In this complete tutorial guide for beginners, I break the video down into the following sections:
1. How to purchase your hosting the right way
2. How to register and connect your domain
3. How to install WordPress onto your website and configure basic settings on GreenGeeks’s dashboard

00:00 – Overview and bonus
00:36 – How to buy GreenGeeks at a discounted price
01:07 – How to choose the best hosting plan with GreenGeeks
02:17- Choosing your domain name, GreenGeeks or Namecheap?
06:46 – How to install WordPress on GreenGeeks with the one-click method
08:37 – How to install an SSL certificate and secure your website

🎥 How to Install WordPress on GreenGeeks ►
🎥 Installing WordPress And Setting Up SSL In GreenGeeks [Series] ►
🎥 How to Install WordPress on GreenGeeks using 1-click installer ►
🎥 How To Install WordPress On GreenGeeks 2021 🔥 SSL & Email Setup [Tutorial: beginners buying guide] ►

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DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. I will never support or push a product I don’t believe in. Thank you for your support!

In this tutorial I will show you how to buy and  install WordPress on green geeks step by step. where i will show you which hosting plan  you should choose and the actual buying   process involved i will then show you how to  install wordpress on green geeks the right way   and choosing the correct settings towards the end  of this video i will give you a very special offer   if you decide to pick up green geeks through my  link
below i will give you my six figure blogger   course for free as a way of saying thank you  for supporting my channel now let’s get started step one click on the link in the description or  type this into your browser it’ll take you to my   special green geeks discount page where you will  get the best discount green geeks is currently   offering full transparency this is an affiliate  link i will receive a small commission while
you   get a special discount and my six figure blogger  course for free so it can be a win-win situation   for the both of us and i really appreciate you  supporting my channel now we click on get started   now now green geeks has three shared hosting plans  for you to choose from the first is the light plan   this one will only allow you to  have one website so it’s going to be   suitable for you if you’re a local business  or
you’re someone who only needs one website   but if you want any more than that you’re going  to need to go for the pro plan or the premium plan   now both of them offer unlimited websites but the  main difference here is the performance and the   ip address so the pro plan only gives you a two  times performance increase from the light plan   but the premium plan is even faster at four  times and the other main difference is you
get   a free dedicated ip address so unless you really  need it for a specific project then i definitely   recommend you just take the pro plan as this will  be more than enough for your multiple websites   and not having a dedicated ip address will not  affect your seo and will still allow you to   rank your websites fine i don’t use a dedicated ip  address for my beginner website and they are still   ranking fine so i’m going to
click on get started  on the pro plan now when it comes to domain names   i recommend you don’t buy any of your domain names  from any hosting providers other youtubers don’t   tell you this and it really annoys me so i’m  going to explain it to you now for example here   a dot-com domain name from green geeks is going  to cost you 13.95 per year but you’re going to   have to pay an extra 9.95 for the domain privacy  domain privacy
is very important and i believe   this is a requirement as it protects you from  marketers contacting you constantly every day   trying to sell their services to you so overall  it’s gonna cost about twenty four dollars per   year for a dot com domain from green geeks but  if you go to a dedicated domain name provider   like namecheap which i use myself it’s only going  to cost you 8.88 per year and they provide you   the domain
privacy for free so you think about  it nine dollars as opposed to 24 that’s about   three times cheaper and that’s every year so if  you want to save money in the long term then i   recommend you go for namecheap but if you just  want the easiest way and you have the budget then   you can choose green geeks and if it’s green geeks  then you just type in the new domain you want here   but if it’s my recommended method from namecheap 
then you buy it from namecheap and i have a video   to guide you through that step by step here and  then you come down here and type in your domain   name that you’ve chosen now click on next and  now you can see your coupon savings has been   applied and you’ve got the discount from my link  now you fill out your private information here   now the next thing is to choose how long you want  to buy your hosting plan for and obviously
three   years is going to be the cheapest so i recommend  you always buy the longest plan possible as when   it comes time to renewing they’re going to charge  you a lot more so pick the three year plan and   play around with it and if you’re happy with it  keep it but if you’re not then you have a 30 day   money back guarantee where they will refund you  the full cost but just be aware that if you do buy   your domain name from
green geeks that part cannot  be refunded now with the server location you   can choose where you want to host your website and  they have three locations so what i recommend you   do is to choose a server location which is closest  to most of your visitors so if it is a global site   and i recommend you choose united states but if  it’s anywhere in europe or even in asia it may   be better to choose europe as it’s closer to you  but
i’ll select united states for this tutorial   and now fill in your payment information and click  on create account and that’s it your order is   successful now you need to follow the instructions  and go and check your email for the login details   so here’s my login credentials and the login page  click on that now enter in your login details verify everything you may need to verify  by sending the code so i’ve sent the code   and
i’m going to check my email and put the code  in and here is my code now click on verify code   so now my account is being verified and i’m logged  in we are now logged into greengeeks dashboard   and before we do anything further the next step  is to connect your domain name from namecheap to   greengeeks but if you bought your domain name from  greengeeks then just skip this step and go right   to the next one but if you got it from
namecheap  like me then go to hosting click on manage   and see here domain name servers these are the  three name servers we need to copy over to our   namecheap hosting account for our select the  domain name so this is a domain that i want to   connect to greengeeks on my namecheap account  so you come down to the nameserver section   and you select this and change it to custom dns   then for the name server one two and three
this is  where you would paste in those values from green   geeks and now that they have copied in you just  click on the check mark here and save it that’s it   says your dns server has been updated and may take  48 hours this is really the case normally an hour   max but 5 to 10 minutes and it should be ready  so when it’s ready we can go to our next step   we are now ready to install our wordpress website  and to do this click on
hosting and click on   cpanel and now just a quick side note if you want  to install your second third or fourth websites   then you just click on this add-on domains button  and add your domain first before you can install   your wordpress website but anyway this is my  first website and the domain name has already   been added on checkout so we scroll down to the  wordpress manager by softaculous click on that   and now we just
click on install make sure you  pick the right domain name type in your site name   and the site description now we scroll down to  the admin account and for the username make sure   to use anything but admin because when people try  to hack your website they’re going to guest admin   first and for your password i recommend you put in  something safe i normally just let self-calculus   generate me a new password and for the admin 
email put an email in that you want to use   now we scroll down and you can untick wp forms  as you may not need it but lightspeed cache is   a really handy plugin to have as it’ll  speed up your website a lot so we can   keep that there for now and we can scroll  down to the bottom and click on install and that’s it your wordpress website has been  installed successfully but we can’t open these   pages yet because our ssl certificate
is not being  installed and our website is not yet secured we   still have another step to go but i just wanted  to quickly ask if you’re getting value out of my   channel if so just hit that like button for me  and subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss   out on any quality content that i release every  single week so the next step is to install our ssl   certificate so from the dashboard we want to go to  security click on add
ssl certificate select your   service pick your domain name click continue  and we want to select the free let’s encrypt   ssl that is enough and now click on confirm and  create now we want to install a ssl certificate   and that’s it our ssl certificate has now  been installed so to check that it all worked   we want to go back into our softaculous  app and log in and check so we click on   subtaculous here click on installations
and  we want to click on admin here and here it is   this is our wordpress dashboard page so this  means that it’s been installed correctly and   the site lock here is active which means that our  ssl certificate is working and also to check the   front end of the website we scroll over here and  click on visit site and this also shows our bare   bones website is working and our site is locked  now the next step is to create our
email address so to do this we go back to our dashboard  click on cpanel and we scroll down to the email   account section click on that and click on create  choose your username and password and now we want   to click on create and it’s that simple you can  see my email has been successfully created also   just a quick note on my bonus offered you if you  decide to pick up green geeks through my link then   just send me your receipt
to bonus dot com dollar  dot com and i’ll send you access to my bonus   course right away it’s that simple now that you  have successfully installed wordpress onto your   bare bones greengeeks account it’s time to go out  and actually fully build out your website and this   next video will help you do just that so check  it out and i’ll see you in that next tutorial