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How to insert FaceBook pixel code into Wix webpage

This is how you enter the base code of your FaceBook Pixel code into your Wix webpage. feel free to check out my webpage and subscribe. Thank you.

hi guys my name is M : delta cg down calm you’re welcome to visit my website i’m a fiction writer or horror sort of supernatural so go on air a little browse around is a few free books there you can download today i’m actually going to be talking about Facebook pixel anybody doesn’t know what that is it’s basically a code that you can embed into the metadata header tag of your website that will feedback information from your website back
into Facebook to get metrics and analytics and to sort of see how well your ads on the facebook was doing in relation to sort cost per clicks and that sort of stuff I had a great deal of trouble actually getting that code or trying to find out how to get that code into the head out of Wix website so this is a tutorial please tutorial specifically for Wix website and how to get the code for the Facebook pixel into that website so here we already
set up set up your Facebook pixel you go to ww-wait okama ad manager pixel just there and you’ll get to this page here so we set up a picture or move to the next stage now what you want to choose is this section here copy it and paste the code okay so click on here move down and you’ll get to this section here this is the code this is the entire code now to get this into your Wix website what you need to do is move over to Wix first of all so
this is my when you log into Wix website you will see this and you’ll get to this side manage site I’m not going to go into the manage site just showing you where you need to be to get to the next section so that’s my CD don’t calm web design so you move up to this icon here your profile icon hover over there Picon domains and once you’ve done that it will load in with your domain and you’ll see your domain here okay then what you need to do is
go to we marketing so select a remarketing tab here or section here and you see a Google remarketing another focus on the point being you see there’s a specific section here for Facebook pixel so this is what you do is that you type in or while they enter your code in here now if you see fit over to ad manager it will ask you to paste the entire code use the way to do that is simply to highlight it lift click it and it will say to copy to
clipboard what I would then do is to open up a word document or you can open up a notepad document copy that into here now all we require is the ID so it’s just the ID so insert your pixel ID here so that’s all they require the ID they don’t require anything else at all so just copy that come back to here this section here copy that in now remove the quotes if you accidentally which I have just done copying the quotes of the music route quotes it
won’t let you do that you see that was grayed out just then if I enter it again into invalid code it grades grades are L so you know whether or not it’s kind of sort of Corrections got invalid characters in so enter that submit okay your Facebook pixel has been embedded interceded on Comm now you can create custom audiences and track the behavior and conversions or visitors arriving at your site’s on Facebook Ed’s click OK and that is how you get
that into your head up now how you get it into every single page because if you go back to ads manager it was safe you must install the pixel-based code into the header code of every page on your website ok now I don’t know whether or not by doing that it automatically does it for you on every page ok but this is how you get the code in to Wix ok I’ll be probably doing another video to find out whether or not you do need to add it individually to
the site or whether or not by doing this here it automatically adds it to every page for you and of course how to verify that code is actually correct but this is how you get the code into your Wix website ok thanks for watching as I said you can subscribe or you can feel free to visit my website CG down calm have a look around browse on my books it will be much appreciated I hope you found this helpful thank you very much