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I will be telling you guys how to make a website using!

the disease louder louder most of the guys welcome back to another tutorial on JT Lakes and today I’m going to be showing you guys how to make your very own website and it’s completely free so here’s everything you need to know so you’re gonna want to go to a site called Wix comm you might be familiar with this you might not you’re gonna want to hit get started now let’s create an account okay so now that you’re in let’s go ahead and hit let’s
do it here so it’s gonna ask you a few questions what do you want to create a website for you could be doing it for a company a client that’s a client that’s paying you someone else just helping them or a start-up or myself which is basically what we’re gonna be doing so if you haven’t used the Wix platform before I would say this is my first time if you have you can only choose any of these depending on what you think is fit now what category of
website do you want so you don’t need to choose one if you don’t if not I’m gonna use match it then just hit other and others gonna broaden your search a lot so let’s just hit other now no let’s hit I’ll create it myself and don’t hit this one that’s gonna cost money hit choose a template okay so here’s the templates and here’s the categories but like for a normal site you could just find a blank template and if you want to start from scratch
then pick one of these or pick a template but let’s just start it from scratch you’re gonna hover over and hit edit welcome to the Wix editor let’s do a quick walk now you don’t have to watch this because you’re already watching the video so here’s your menu of pages it looks pretty pretty blank you know because it’s a brand new site you can always see the mobile version of the site too and yeah let’s go to the desktop version you could do this
on mobile but I don’t recommend you creating a site actually I don’t even think it’s really possible um so menu and pages so what the first thing you want to do is this is gonna be your home page and what you want to decide is do you want your site to be a member only site or do you want anyone to have access for now I’m gonna keep it that anyone has access so but if you wanted to change it you’re gonna go you’re gonna go right here you’re gonna
hit menus and pages you’re gonna hit these dots you’re gonna hit settings you’re gonna hit permissions and here is that stuff so members-only it’s going to make them sign up if they want to view the page it’s the first thing it’s gonna say password holders is if you set a password to the site and you got an email chain or something and you’ve emailed out the password you could do that and then you just set the password right there or every one
that’s how I’m gonna leave it so everyone can view it everyone so yeah and then what you usually I don’t want to do is add a page this page can be about I’m gonna want to add an about page so let’s go to the about page we’re in it okay and what you’re gonna wanna do is add text so we’re gonna hit the Add button text the first thing right here you can pick anything you can pick a paragraph that would be my my option for sure and then you can edit
the text you can type here and just you know write whatever you want about your site this is the site for a YouTube video and yeah there you go so now but it looks so blinking white that you probably want a page background so what you’re gonna do is just click anywhere on the blank page anywhere and then you’ll see this button change page background so click that now you can add a Wix background you can add any of this stuff or you can just add
media totally simple you can add media so let’s say you have a paint you have something here that you want to add as the background actually let’s use a thumbnail from my live stream yesterday so you’re just gonna drag it out of here and you’re just gonna drag it here and it’s gonna upload it so let’s wait for a second so here it is one you want to waitress I was doing waitress or the other day so yeah you can hit change background right here you
can also do media from Wix any of that stuff but you know I’d recommend doing something of your own really so change background there we go looks a little better doesn’t really look good because that’s really not what the site should be but like you get the idea of how to change it so that’s your about page the other page I would recommend having that I would add some menus and pages add page is a contact page so people can contact you that’s a
very good page to have I’ve severely recommend it so now that you have set this as a background it’s going to be a background for average page so you got to pick the background that you want basically now we could change it but I’m just going to leave it like this so then what you’re gonna want to do is normally add you can do it two ways I’m gonna go over both of them the first way is to add just like a let’s see to add a heading or something
like that you know and just say contact me and then down here you can also add another text you can add just a little tiny thing and then you can say JT Lakes your email anything your phone number duh-duh I’m not gonna actually put in my phone number but like something like that then you can put in what Twitter anything like that so you could do it that way or the other way you can do it is hit add you’re gonna add a button any button
just pick one doesn’t really matter but you can choose it and then you can add email and what it can link to is an email so you could add JT Lakes at and then you could add a subject I’m contacting you from your Wix site or something like that now this is gonna help people just uh you know be able to contact you easier they don’t have to do it themselves because people are lazy these days and you can add that really you can put that
anywhere it doesn’t really matter so just put it here then you’re gonna hit add again let’s add another button let’s change the text let’s change it to phone nine there now what it’s gonna do this can only be used I’m pretty sure I don’t know for sure but I’m pretty sure this can only be used for um for like on mobile but you can add a phone number so like there and then that’s gonna be a phone number and then you can add let’s say you did want
to add an Instagram or something same thing you’re gonna hit add you’re gonna add a button you’re gonna change the text to Instagram then you’re gonna add a link then you’re going to go web address and then you’re just gonna put that web address right there and it’s gonna take you to it when you click it yeah so that’s how you do an about page two ways this way it’s just more simple I would say for sure now um we’re gonna want to go back to the
home page now the home page has nothing really so we want to change the background on it to image we can just make this that page two you know and then what you’re usually gonna do is like whatever your whatever your site is about even though you have an about page or a catch line or a phrase or your logo would be your background or just the name of your site or the name of your company or whatever you’re doing on this site you can put it right
there and four button functions and stuff that you want to do you just gonna add that button and you know you can look through it yourself but and choose what you want to choose now what some people do is a members page so add page members so it’s maybe it’s exclusive it’s only for people that are members but what you want to do you want to hit these dots you want to go permissions you want to make it Members Only and yeah there you go and then
the members page will have random stuff in it I don’t know what you wanted to have I don’t know if you want it to have like some special link to something or some stuff like that or anything like that I really don’t know you can also set up like premium to your site so it’s kind of random way to do it but I have done it on one of my sites before I think so like add page premium it might only have some stuff it might only have some stuff that you
want it to have but like you can go settings permissions password holders um and then set a premium password and then whenever some purchases premium you’ll give them that password and they can only get into it maybe it’s going on web change a web page or an email and every day it changes but that’s a thing you can do I don’t really know yeah that’s basically how you create a site now you can do a lot more with this I will definitely say you can
add bookings and stuff but the thing I will say about this I will have another video on it probably because you’re gonna have to pay money and it’s not going to be free so that’s a basic way to set up your site now let’s hit publish okay now you’re not gonna have a custom domain you will have a custom whatever you want right here like you know YouTube video test but a custom domain will cost money so saving continue there you go so let’s hit done
and now view site so you’re gonna be viewing your masterpiece right here this is your site basically what you made up um now the thing I will say is that’s all you’re seen you’re not seeing anything else so what you’re gonna want is a you’re gonna want to add a button that basically is like and change text it’s just gonna say about and then you’re gonna add a link and then you’re going to go to page new window this can take you to the about now I
would do that for every page personally maybe you can find out another way to do it you know simpler where you can just scroll down but for some reason this page isn’t really working like that so uh yeah that’s how I would suggest or you can do it you can mess around with this stuff but I don’t really know what you want to do personally so you’re just gonna go you know add the buttons or figure it out really member signup form I would keep it as
default but if you do have a form that you would rather have you can go here custom form and then you can add a form by hitting add to site and then probably yeah you can set up one but I just I wouldn’t I wouldn’t do that if I were you and uh there you go so let’s publish that one last time let’s view the site again and that’s about it it’s about it I’m sorry if this didn’t help you too much because I know it’s a bit now it’s a bit weird and
stuff as far as the page stuff but um I do want to show you about publish view the site and then here you can hit the about button I’ll take you to the about you can do all that stuff you can add stuff from here and it’s really up to you guys I hope you enjoyed this video I will see you next time on JT likes and peace make sure to use creator coach JT lakes in the fortnight item shop