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How To Add Multiple Files To Your Database in Wix | Wix Training Tutorial 2020

How To Add Multiple Files To Your Database in Wix – Wix Training Tutorial 2020 | In this video I’m going to show you how to add/upload multiple files to your database at one time in Wix. No more multiple upload buttons.

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Rather than taking my traditional tutorial route, and only uploading one file at a time to your database, exponentially increase the amount of time you save by uploading multiple files into your Wix Corvid database at one time.

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what’s going on wix nation mps here from wix training academy and you can see i’m recording in a different setup that’s because i moved back into college but this time into a house not a dorm which is a much better scenario especially with everything going on at the moment so today i’d like to show you how to add multiple files to a database in wix this is a very common question people are like i’d like to be able to upload multiple images
multiple videos multiple documents whatever it may be to their database at one time without having to do multiple separate uploads so i’m going to show you exactly how to do that if you’re brand new to the channel first thank you for watching make sure to click that subscribe button and turn those bell notifications on so you don’t miss any content here on the channel and it’s a perfect time to jump into this wix nation community it all starts by
clicking that subscribe button without further ado let’s go ahead and hop into today’s video in our new environment all right so we’re here in the editor and what we’re first going to do i’m going to go through certain elements a little quicker than i would have traditionally in the past when wix code corvid by wix had just come out because i’ve got a ton of videos explaining how to do some of these things now feel free to look at the channel
for a reference but first things first is we have to create a database right we have to have a place for those images to be stored what you’re going to do is i’ll turn it off to start but you need to go up to dev mode and you need to turn on dev mode this is going to enable your corvette tools so that way you can access stuff like databases like page code and user input fields once we do that we’re going to come over here to database and we’re
going to click this little plus button another way you can do this is if you go to content manager here and you press create new collection in fact most of the time this is the easiest quickest way because it’s got the quick start icons over on the left hand side of the editor once we’re in here we’re just going to name this we’ll just call it gallery okay for the sake of this database and i’m personally a fan of always setting up custom use
permissions essentially what this means is you choose who can read content from this database who can create it who can update it and or edit it and who can delete it in this case i’m just gonna put anyone can view it who can create it admin who can edit it admin who can delete it admin because you’re gonna be the one uploading the images now to give you a real life scenario of what this may be maybe you’ve got a online course and you’d like to
submit multiple videos to your database at one time maybe you’ve got a membership area and you want to submit you know pictures documents videos all at one time this is those real life scenarios in the case that you would use this so it’s really practical really really usable so we’re gonna set and create collection and then wix is going to work its magic it’s going to go ahead populate our database and it opens up in this new database format
which is much cleaner much nicer and then what we’re going to do is we have to go to this plus button you’re always going to have your default title field here you can learn more about that on one of my other videos we’re going to click the plus and we’re just going to say media gallery okay and we’ll name it media gallery here’s the important part for field type you’re going to scroll down here and you’re going to choose media gallery okay so
you’ll click media gallery you’ll press save and then we’ve got a media gallery feel once we’ve got our media gallery field here’s where you’ll be able to actually upload multiple files at one time now here’s the only drawback at the moment there is not a practical easy plug-and-play way for you to do this on the user side of things so if you want a user to submit multiple files at one time you still have to use those individual upload buttons
however if you are doing it from an admin perspective which are the real life scenarios i just mentioned membership website online course you have the ability to upload multiple files at once through the database because if you now click on media gallery you’ll click on this little icon add media and then it’ll take you in here to your media gallery which it’ll load up here in a second and you’ll actually be able to come in here add images add
text add documents so if you come in here add media we can go ahead we can add an image let’s just say we’re going to add an image for right now it’ll load up there we go and it’ll bring up our actual media gallery site-wide right so this is where we’d upload media site-wide um your actual website media manager then we’ll press upload media forgive the slower wi-fi here as i’m back on college wi-fi so sometimes not as quick so we can come in here
if we just go here we’ll just pull something from our other wix account um let’s just come in here we’ll just grab a random picture from the computer we’ll just click this one and then it’ll upload this and then if we came in here and we went to media from wix and we see some free media we like by the way which has got a bunch of free stock media here again pardon the college wi-fi it’s 11 am and there’s plenty of college classes happening we
would click this double click it and then we can add that as well and then it populates in here and we still have to go back and grab our other one that we forgot to grab we’ll click on that and we can add that as well and there you go just like that you can now name your pictures over here describe them press done and now what you’ve got here is you’ve got a media gallery so that’s how you upload multiple files into your database at one time in
our next video what i’ll show you is i’ll show you how to actually display these files now on the page so that way you can see the practical application of the other side of it the front end this episode you saw the back end how it worked uploading the files creating the database adding the files to it via the media gallery next episode i’ll show you how to actually show the front end how to view those files so that’s it for today’s video i hope
you guys enjoyed if you did make sure to throw a thumbs up down below please comment if you’ve got any questions whatsoever i’m happy to answer them and i look forward to it and lastly if you haven’t already make sure to go ahead click that subscribe button turn those bell notifications on and join this wix nation community we are the largest wix training community on the internet and it’s a perfect place to be with a great environment of some
awesome like-minded individuals i look forward to seeing you in the community and until our next video i’ll catch you next time have a great rest of your day