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How to add and Customize a Contact Form | Tutorial

Learn how to add and customize a stunning contact form in Wix. Contact forms allow current or potential customers to contact you, so make sure you present your best work.

Video Overview:
-Go to Add
-Go over form email settings
-Go over form fields
-Go over form styles
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what’s up guys computer IMD of Gilbert here and today is our next video in our Wix tutorial series and as I have mentioned in my previous videos in will stop mentioning here very soon don’t worry I have tons of Wix tutorials in fact 35 lined up in the queue to get out to you guys so make sure you stay in touch and subscribe because I have lots of whip to Wix tutorials for you but for right now let’s hop into today’s tutorial which is how to
add and customize a contact form and wings so here on this website template were in the contact page so now we’re going to need to add a contact form so we go to add once we go to add we will then go down to apps once we click on apps we simply click contact form and then we then have a contact form that’s ready to be customized now the contact if you’re using a website template the contact form will always match the template but to show you how
to customize it is very simple what you’re gonna need to do is double click on the form and then you will see right here email – and this is a required field because when someone fills out the form you need to be notified of that which means it will send you an email now it will go off of the default email you have used for your account currently but if you need it to go to a different email make sure you put that there also you could do a BCC
which means you could send it to another one of your emails or maybe a co-worker of yours like a business manager or something of the sort so that’s a cool feature that you could add into your contact form now let me show you the fields so if you uncheck that field is no longer mandatory filled in there but to make a required field you’re going to need to press that star next to it or the asterisk I should say because when you click that it makes
it a required field they have to fill out email is always a required field on this contact form unless you change it and then as far as these go it could be a subject it could be a message whatever you want it to be and again you can make it required just by doing that and then you have your Sen button text you have your like success message after they fill the form out the error message if they misplaced a field or didn’t feel fill fill out a
field correctly and also an error message if they didn’t fill out a required field so that is how you mess with the form settings and what goes into the form and if it’s required or not and then finally customizing your contact form is changing the style and you would simply click what I just did change style then you have to form styles on this template to choose from but say you want to make it truly unique you will click personalize this form
and when you click personalize this form you have different templates over here to choose from different form designs and then down here you could follow the instructions and change all the colors and all that to whatever your style lights whatever you think it should go with and then under that you could change the fonts the font style on the button style you can change the corner sizes of the form and then the border of the form you could even
add a shadow if you would like that now whenever you make a change on here always make sure to go click down here okay so registers the change and saves it and also click OK right there and then you could ex out the form and then always save your site because you’re going to want to make sure your changes are completely saved and you don’t lose any of the stuff you have built out well guys that is how you add and customize a contact form in Wix I
hope this video helped you in fact if it did go drop me a like down below this video leave a comment if you have any questions what’s our whatsoever and please don’t be afraid to share this video because it will help other people as well and if you know someone that’s struggling with Wix or maybe wants to learn which go share this video even the playlist series that would be great finally go subscribe to me because as I said I have 35 videos
lined up in my Wix queue to send out to you guys so a ton of videos alright guys I will see you guys on the next Wix tutorial