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How to Add an AirBnb calendar to a WIX website

If you are a host on Airbnb, you might want to showcase your availability on your own website. This way, you can attract more potential guests, increase your direct bookings, and avoid double bookings. In this article, I will show you how to add an Airbnb calendar to a WIX website in a few simple steps.

What is an Airbnb Calendar?

An Airbnb calendar is a tool that allows you to manage your reservations and availability on Airbnb. You can sync your Airbnb calendar with other external calendars (such as HomeAway, VRBO, Google, Apple, etc.) to prevent multiple guests from booking the same dates. You can also export your Airbnb calendar to your personal calendar to see your reservations in your own context.

An Airbnb calendar is based on the iCal format, which is a standard format for exchanging calendar information. An iCal link is a URL that ends with .ICS and contains the data of your calendar. You can use an iCal link to import or export your calendar to or from other platforms.

Why Add an Airbnb Calendar to a WIX Website?

Adding an Airbnb calendar to a WIX website has several benefits for hosts:

  • It allows you to display your availability on your own website, which can help you attract more visitors and potential guests.
  • It helps you increase your direct bookings, which can save you from paying commissions or fees to Airbnb or other platforms.
  • It prevents double bookings, which can cause confusion and frustration for you and your guests.
  • It enhances your credibility and professionalism, as it shows that you are organized and reliable.

How to Add an Airbnb Calendar to a WIX Website?

To add an Airbnb calendar to a WIX website, you will need two things:

  • An iCal link of your Airbnb calendar
  • A WIX add-on that can display an iCal calendar on your website

Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Get your Airbnb iCal link

To get your Airbnb iCal link, you need to:

Step 2: Add a WIX add-on that can display an iCal calendar

To add a WIX add-on that can display an iCal calendar, you need to:

  • Log in to your WIX account and go to your [site dashboard].
  • Click on the [Add Apps] tab on the left menu.
  • Search for [RentalBell], which is a free app that allows you to add an iCal calendar to your WIX website.
  • Click on [Add to Site] next to the RentalBell app.
  • Select the page where you want to place the calendar on your website.
  • Drag the calendar to where you want it to appear on the page.

Step 3: Import your Airbnb iCal link to the WIX add-on

To import your Airbnb iCal link to the WIX add-on, you need to:

  • Click on the calendar on your website to open the RentalBell settings.
  • Click on the [Settings] tab on the top menu.
  • Paste your Airbnb iCal link into the [iCal URL] field.
  • Click on [Save] to apply the changes.

That’s it! You have successfully added an Airbnb calendar to your WIX website. Now, your website visitors can see your availability and book directly with you.


Adding an Airbnb calendar to a WIX website is a great way to showcase your availability, increase your direct bookings, and avoid double bookings. It is also easy and fast to do, as you only need an Airbnb iCal link and a WIX add-on that can display an iCal calendar. I hope this article was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy hosting!

hi there this is ryan from rental belt in this video i’m going to show how to embed a airbnb calendar into a wix based website and the calendar is going to be powered by rental bell so here is a wix based website ultimately i want to have the calendar appear right below the contact form so the first step is to log in or sign up with rental bell the first thing rental bill asks is for you to add your rental so for the in interest of time i’m
just going to add the rental name skip the other details the second thing it asks is for a calendar to sync with so in this case we’re going to be syncing with airbnb now it’s asking for the airbnb calendar so i’m in airbnb i’m going to click calendar i’m going to click availability settings and scroll down to sync calendar so i want to press the export calendar and grab this url right here that’s what rental bell is looking for paste it here
click import calendar next i need to export the rental bell calendar to airbnb to complete the syncing process so i click the import calendar link i paste the rental bell calendar url give it a name click import calendar there now the two calendars are going to talk to each other if there’s a booking on one site it’ll update airbnb and vice versa i can add more channels and have them all uh automatically sync with each other like brbo flipkey
tripadvisor etc but for this video i’m just going to stick with airbnb so i press done it’s asking me now if i want to add an availability calendar i’m going to click yes here’s where i can customize the availability calendar that’s going to appear on my website for this video i’m going to keep it simple i’m just going to choose four months across and then i click get the code for wix-based website i need option two this url right
here so i’m going to copy that and here’s where i go into wix now so i’m logged into wix press the add button choose embed choose embed a site i’m going to click this this box here is where the calendar is going to appear so what i need to do is size it accordingly so that the calendar will actually fit properly then i click enter website address and here’s where i paste that link i grabbed from rental bell click apply i can close this now there
we go there let’s see how this looks on a mobile so on the mobile the box as well needs to be adjusted to fit the whole calendar so what i do is i expand the box vertically to fit the four months that i’m looking for there sometimes you may need to make it a little longer than what it you what it looks like it needs to be to avoid any sort of scrolling issues there we go okay um and these left right buttons here allow the customer to view
additional months aside from the initial four then i click the publish button and let’s take a look at how it the what the final product looks like so click on booking and there is the four months and that’s it going back to rental bell clicking my rentals takes me back to my base side bmb rental the airbnb booking that i have is shown here at any time i can add additional channels and it would look like this after i had four channels and each uh
channel booking will be indicated like the source of the channel will be indicated by that icon here’s an airbnb here’s a rental bell vrbo etc and below that uh analytics will be displayed for each of the channels now this is useful in determining um what channels perform best for you for example the booking to check-in runway shows how many days from a booking to a check-in that there is airbnb is the shortest in this example rental bell is the
longest it shows when new bookings were made here the average length of stay rental bell bookings have the longest length of stay in this example this one shows that vrbo is the best performing channel of them all here it shows the total book nights broken down by channel and the overall occupancy rate scrolling up looking at calendar tools there’s a few tools here that automate the task rental preparation time until availability window publicly
viewable calendar link etc