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Adding A Custom Photo Gallery To Your Wix Website – Wix com Tutorial – Wix My Website

Adding a custom photo gallery in Wix has been made easy. Wix has just added a custom photo gallery app named Wix Pro Gallery that gives the user full customization over their photo gallery. It is perfect for photographers or anyone with a website showcasing pictures.
Topics Covered:
-Adding Custom Photo Gallery (Wix Pro Gallery)
-Designing Gallery Format
-Adjusting Gallery Settings
-Adding Picture To Your Gallery
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what is up YouTube computer MV of Gilbert here and today I’m going to address another pretty popular question I’ve gotten recently the question is how to add and maximize and customize a photo gallery in Wix well thankfully Wix has just added another pretty sweet app that helps you do this this is also great for photographers so if there’s any photographers watching that are starting a website this is great for you I have another video coming
with another great photography website app idea so here we go we’re gonna go over to the app market once we get to the app market we’re gonna add which pro gallery once we add that we’re gonna go click settings again that was Wix pro gallery and you could type that in the search bar for its headlining just click it and then we’ll go to settings once we get into settings you’re gonna see main we’ll get to manage media in a second but let’s get
that layout done so first the layout you choose how you want your pictures to be arranged that could either be vertical horizontal masonry column grid however you want you have full customization over this you could choose the thumbnail size the spacing between the pictures you could choose to collage density and then moving on we have the settings so you can choose to open and expand which means when you click on it it expands or you a link
opens or nothing happens at all so again you go through these settings customize them as you need them you could choose to have the social sharing options on there so on your social media download means that if you click that open you’ll see your visitors will be able to download only your original photos but not any free Wix images so these images right here are Wix free images people would not be able to download these however if you have this
download checked people can download your pictures so if you’re selling your pictures or you don’t want people have access to these unless they buy them please do not check this button because you will not be happy that you did especially if you’re a photographer who’s gonna be selling their album to the person that you just took pictures of you don’t want them to go download all of them before they buy it so don’t check that if that’s what
you’re doing if not go ahead and check it if you want people just have those free images again you get a heart icon people like the picture moving on we have our design you can choose the color overlay the title and you could choose like the hover mode you can preview it moving into the Advanced Settings this is more of like your image detailing so your image quality the sharpening you can see well sharpen all of your photos and the gallery using
the amount radius and threshold controls you could choose that again all customization to you and then finally video settings you could choose if you have a video in your gallery whether it plays on a loop how it plays the playback speed all of that stuff so it’s all really cool and then finally support this is just which is last little part for them because as I said this is a new app so they want reviews and if you need any which support
directly you can contact them or gallery help now last part of this obviously is uploading your pictures so you would go here to manage media when you do that you’ll be in your gallery and in here you can add media by simply clicking add media you get used whether it’s an image video or text once you do that it will pop up and populate into this little section and then as you can see over here once you click on one you could change the title you
could add a description you could add a link to it so if people click the picture takes them to a different page or a different website or however you’re doing that you could replace the image which I would assume for like photography and stuff you wouldn’t do that but if you had a video and you wanted a thumbnail on there you could replace the image which is pretty cool in here you have your settings and then simply you could select all and you
could delete them all at once or you could deselect and that’s simply how you use which pro gallery the nice thing about this is that it’s completely customized to you so however you want to customize it to your needs that’s how you do it and I know I’ve gotten a lot of questions about customization in galleries on Wix lately so Wix has releases again it’s Wix Pro Gallery if this video helps you out please drop me a like down below it’s much
appreciated please subscribe to me if you haven’t already because we have a ton of more exciting Wix content coming up and finally comment if you have any questions on this or any which questions in general and I’m here to help you out guys thank you for spending a couple minutes of your time watching this video with me I appreciate that and I will catch you on the next one